商品概要 リフト:.675 U.S.A.製: パッケージング:4ーパック 圧力:422 lb. @ .570 専用設計: スタイル:パフォーマンス補修 タイプ:バルブスプリングキット LIFT:.675 MADE IN THE U.S.A.:Yes PACKAGING:4-Pack PRESSURE:422 lb. @ .570 SPECIFIC APPLICATION:Yes STYLE:Performance Replacement TYPE:Valve Spring Kit
詳細説明 ・Incorporate an interference double-spring design with a damper tocontrol harmonics ・Engineered for maximum performance in severe applications such ashigh compression and big-inch street motors ・.600spring sets are 1.460o.d. and have a pressure of 125 lb.when closed and 275 lb. at .500lift;installed height should be1.800;coil bind occurs at 1.150 ・.675spring sets are 1.510o.d. and have a pressure of 184 lb.when closed and 422 lb. at .600lift;installed height should be1.850;coil bind occurs at 1.080 ・Sold in a set of four springs (enough for one engine) ・Made in the U.S.A.